Where Talent Meets Opportunity!



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Unarguably, cricket is the most popular game in India. Not only liked by one and all but also worshipped by many, cricket defines India in many ways. They say, combined India has only two passions; movies and cricket. How true! Cricket in India has a larger than life appeal and the cricketers are often accorded the demi-god status.
Indian cricket always manages to garner the most coverage in any national daily. Though, it is not a national sport but it has far outshone the national sport, Hockey in terms of popularity and money. The widespread recognition of this game has opened several new job avenues. One of them is cricket coaching.
Cricket coaching has always been an ‘in-demand’ profession because of the fact that many young boys want to make it big in cricketing world. Cricket coaching academy is one place where players tend to know all the fine aspects of the game.
Not everyone is born with superior cricketing talent. Apart from that international cricket demands lot of flexibility and adjustment from the cricketers. Cricket coaches not only train boys about the fine nuances of the game but also instill a sense of toughness and never-say-die approach.

Several coaches in India have earned fame and accolades because of great performances by their wards. Everyone with even a little bit of interest in cricket must have heard of Ramakant Achrekar. He is a very celebrated coach who guided one of the most brilliant cricketers of all era, Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.

In the current scenario where the game of cricket is played in all the three formats of Test cricket, One Day Internationals (50 over game) and recently popular Twenty20 format, the workload on cricketers has also increased. All three formats of the game demand different technique and adjustment. In such condition, the importance of cricket coaches becomes even more important.

All the cricket teams in world cricket have cricket coaches. India has always been a breeding ground of great cricket coaches. Many of them have shaped the world of current cricket superstars. Cricket coaching course is run by several organizations in India.

Check this out guys! this is a pretty good website where you can learn all the aspects of the game! http://www.pitchvision.com/academyweeblylink_new_window